Minggu, 10 April 2016

Tips Toefl Listening

Siti Choirunnisa

Tips Toefl Listening

Compared Structure and Written Expression and Reading test PBT (Paper Based Test), acknowledged that the Listening sessions were considered the most difficult in the TOEFL test. Therefore, before following the test, should be prepared material that deals with the TOEFL Listening.

In the TOEFL test, the first session is to test listening skills (Listening Comprehension), which consists of 50 questions. You will hear a recording in English then you have to answer the questions that relate to the tape. Recordings are only played once and not written in the book, so you have to listen to the recording as possible. In the listening test there are three sessions:
-  PART A, comprising 30 conversation (conversation) is short, every conversation is followed by a question.
-  PART B consists of two long conversations and followed by several questions, usually there are four questions per conversation.
-   PART C consisting of 3 talk is like a teacher is explaining a specific topic followed by a few questions, usually 4 per talk. PART C was considered the most difficult in the listening test sessions.

But do not be afraid to take the TOEFL test, follow these tips:
1. Be familiar with the Reviews directions
Get used to it with instructions in doing the TOEFL test because generally the same instructions. In listening tests, before work on the problems there will be instructions that is played through a tape recorder.

2. Listen carefully to the conversations and talks
Listen really what the speaker on the tape because the tape is played only once, there is no repetition.

3. Know where the Easier and more difficult, questions are Generally found
It must be known that in the listening test difficulty levels increasing from matter to matter therefore try as much as possible to answer the questions earlier.

4. Never leave any answers blank on your sheet.
Never emptying your answer sheet. No reduction in value even if your answer is wrong, so it should be all about filled.

5. Use any remaining time to look ahead at the answers to the question that follow
When answering question number 1, hurry to look no.2 choice answers that you quickly read the contents of the topics to be discussed. By looking at the answer choices before hearing percakapnnya, at least you'll get an idea of ​​the form of questions that will arise.

Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.

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